Customized Content: The Secret Sauce in Modern Mortgage Marketing image

Usherpa Blog - Customized Content: The Secret Sauce in Modern Mortgage Marketing

Personal connections are everything in business—you’ve worked hard to build these relationships, so don’t let all that hard work go to waste. In today’s increasingly competitive mortgage marketplace, engaging customers with content that is relevant to them is essential for securing repeat business and referrals. But who’s got the time, tools or skill sets to create and consistently distribute personalized, targeted content—while also timing each delivery for maximum impact?

Few marketing departments have the bandwidth to produce localized and targeted content in-house. Loan officers (LOs) don’t have time either—yet experience and data show that tailored content is what LOs need to thrive for the long term. “Personalization can deliver five to eight times the ROI on marketing spend, and can lift sales by 10% or more,” according to marketing analytics firm McKinsey, as reported by the Harvard Business Review.

The Art and Science of Content Marketing

Data show that the more you can target your messaging to specific demographics, the greater effect it will have—just ask Amazon, the reigning champion of personalized marketing. The messages that resonate best are the ones that speak directly to the wants and needs of the recipients.

Original Op-Ed published on The Mortgage Leader - continue reading full article here

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