Sales Boomerang and Usherpa: Even More Effective Together image

Usherpa Blog - Sales Boomerang and Usherpa: Even More Effective Together

8/1/2018 - by Paul Harrington in Company News

Have you heard the good news? Usherpa has partnered with Sales Boomerang, the most powerful borrower intelligence service on the market! By combining Usherpa’s easy-to-use,  highly-automated marketing and CRM platform with Sales Boomerang’s high-powered data mining capability, our users will now find it easier than ever to build strong relationships and connect with leads at exactly the right time.

Meet Sales Boomerang

If you haven’t heard of Sales Boomerang yet, here’s the short version: Sales Boomerang goes beyond data mining, providing users with the exact in-depth information necessary to know precisely when to make contact. By performing ongoing monitoring of leads, customers, and past customers, Sales Boomerang keeps an eye on unqualified leads until they become qualified, at which point it gives you a heads up. That way, you don’t have to waste time checking in on leads who aren’t ready for you — and once they are ready, you can be there for them exactly when they need you.

It may sound too good to be true, but it’s not! And now this powerhouse borrower intelligence service is available to Usherpa members.

A Match Made in Heaven

You already know how Usherpa helps you close more deals with less effort: It’s not just an easy-to-use CRM, but also a fully automated marketing software that keeps in touch with your contacts for you, so you can focus on building the authentic relationships that make your business tick. But just like any database, Usherpa works best when you have the best data. That’s why adding Sales Boomerang to your toolbelt can be such a game changer!

By combining Sales Boomerang’s intelligent data with Usherpa’s automated marketing, you can reduce lost business and reduce your labor — while still increasing your sales!

How Usherpa and Sales Boomerang Work Together

These two powerful services integrate with one another to help you close more deals with less effort. Here’s how it works.

To start with the basics, the Usherpa CRM is first and foremost a database. As such, Usherpa collects data using a variety of methods refined over the course of our more than twenty years serving the mortgage industry. Once it has this data, it organizes it. That way, you can easily access any contact data that you need to build and strengthen relationships, help your prospects and customers, and close deals. This is nothing too exciting — most CRMs are capable of this (despite many of them suffering from clunky, hard-to-learn interfaces!)

That’s where both Sales Boomerang and Usherpa’s uniquely valuable features become important. First, Sales Boomerang takes that data and makes it intelligent. Unlike “big data,” which requires that massive amounts of data be analyzed to find large-scale patterns and trends, intelligent data is a more sharply focused concept: It’s precise and measurable, it doesn’t require high data volume to be useful, and most of all, it is actionable.

Speaking of action, this is where Usherpa comes back into the picture. Now that Sales Boomerang has brought intelligent data to the table, Usherpa’s hands-free marketing platform can use that data to send meaningful marketing to precisely the right audiences. Instead of large groups receiving marketing that may or may not be relevant to them, this partnership enables highly targeted marketing that is significantly more likely to deliver results.

Picture This…

Here’s an example scenario: Let’s say that you helped Jane buy a house six years ago. Now, with another child on the way, she and her family are ready to move into a larger place. Normally, you would have Jane categorized as a past customer in your database, and you’d send her regular communication to try and stay in touch: Birthday wishes, holiday greetings, and the occasional newsletter about how to keep up with her home. Enter Sales Boomerang: Instead of this guessing game, Sales Boomerang can identify when your past customers are in the market for a mortgage again. When Jane starts shopping around, Usherpa can automatically trigger an email designed to remind her how helpful you were, and that you’re still available to work with her for her next home purchase. At the very moment that Jane needs you, you’re there in her inbox, prepared to help her out.

Here’s another example: Imagine that you have a lead named George. George would like to buy a home, but his credit just isn’t there yet. Some people would write George off as unqualified, and maybe keep him on a few email lists just in case he manages to bring his credit up. But with Sales Boomerang, you can set a minimum and the moment that George’s credit meets that minimum, Usherpa can email him to congratulate him and let him know that you’re here to help him find a home.

In short, Sales Boomerang’s intelligent data and Usherpa’s automated marketing can use precise analysis, tracking, and communication to put you in the right place at the right time — over and over again!

A Lifesaver for Loan Officers

As a loan officer, you have limited time and, often, an overwhelmingly large pool of contacts to fish through. Figuring out where to focus your time and your energies can be challenging, and focusing them in the wrong place can mean lost leads and lost business. That’s why the partnership between Sales Boomerang and Usherpa is such a lifesaver for loan officers. Together, these two services can make it easy to see where to focus your time and your relationship-building efforts. By making your communication with leads and customers more efficient and targeted, you free up time to really focus on the deals that are most likely to pan out.

Being the right person at the right time for your customers might seem like a stroke of luck, but with intelligent data and automated marketing, you can be the right person at the right time by design.

Artificial Intelligence; Real Relationships

With meaningful data, an organized database, and hands-free marketing, you have the perfect combination of tools. Rather than wasting time guessing at what data is worthwhile, which leads are most likely to close, and how often to reach out to your contacts, you can leave all that to highly scientific, expertly crafted systems — allowing you to focus your energy on the personal relationships that your business is built on.

“Artificial intelligence” may sound like the last thing you want in a business that is so dependent on trusting, authentic relationships. But systems that utilize AI can manage the behind-the-scenes, so that you can be out there getting personal with your leads and customers.

Want to learn more about how artificial intelligence can help you build real connections? You’ll love Usherpa and Sales Boomerang’s joint webinar on August 8 at 11:30am MDT. In just half an hour, you’ll hear important, actionable advice on how to leverage automated features to strengthen your relationships with contacts.  Sign up for the webinar to be sure you don’t miss it.
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