Tips for writing the perfect thank you note image

Usherpa Blog - Tips for writing the perfect thank you note

As a kid, you might’ve reluctantly churned out a few less-than-sincere thank-you notes to relatives after birthdays or Christmas, probably under the watchful eye of a parent. Most of us don’t spend much time writing those kind of notes these days. But if you’ve ever received one, you know how warm and fuzzy it can make you feel. Here’s how to pass that feeling along with the perfect thank-you note.

Stock Up on MaterialsStep one: Be prepared! If you always have cards, envelopes, and stamps in your desk, you’ll always be ready to say thanks when the occasion arises.

Express Yourself - Not sure what to write? Make it personal by starting with their name. Then, get to the point by thanking them directly for whatever you’re grateful for — their loyalty, their purchase, etc. Including a personal detail about your experience with them is a great way to show that this isn’t a canned message. Don’t forget to sign it!

Don’t Be StiffIt’s important to be professional, but don’t be scared to show a little personality! Whether that means quirky stationery, stickers, or personalized doodles, the recipient will appreciate a human touch. (And don’t get too promotional, either; this may not be the ideal time for a coupon.)

There’s no better time of year to start a thank-you note habit! Your customers and referral partners will appreciate the personal touch that a handwritten card brings.

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