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Usherpa Blog - Top Technique to Close 10x More Sales

9/1/2020 - by Dan Harrington in CRM Essentials
Every organization relies on their top salespeople who drive the majority of the company’s revenue.

This is what’s known as The Pareto Principle, which states “80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.” In the business world, 20% of your customer base is typically responsible for driving 80% of the company’s revenues—and less than 20% of your salesforce is responsible for bringing in 80% of the opportunities. Companies invest a considerable amount of time, energy, and resources trying to get the lower 80% of their salespeople to perform closer to the top 20%, 10%, and 1%.

The million-dollar question is “how?”

What do high-performing salespeople do that’s different from everyone else?

First, it’s important to understand that, according to Salesforce, “Only 46% of sales reps have data insights on customers’ propensity to buy.” This means most companies do not provide their salespeople with the necessary data to make educated decisions—despite having suites of tools and CRM capabilities to store and manage prospective leads. The problem with many of these tools is that, while they can be great from an organizational perspective, they under-deliver in the area salespeople need help most: relationship engagement.

Second, out of a survey of 2,900 sales professionals, it was found that the top 24% were 1.5 times more likely to make decisions based on data, rather than intuition. Furthermore, the #1 process challenge salespeople face is meeting and managing customer expectations—which, by definition, would require insight into the status of the relationship and how to best engage with the potential customer.

As someone who has been in the sales industry for loan officers and mortgage lenders, and listened to hundreds of panels over the years from high-performing sales leaders, many of the techniques shared to increase sales conversions are:

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