Want to grow your sphere of influence? Go social!   image

Usherpa Blog - Want to grow your sphere of influence? Go social!

If your business doesn’t have a social media presence, it’s time to reconsider that. The average person spends 30% of their online time each day on social media, and that number can only grow. Ready to use that time to build your business? Here’s how.

  1. Make it easy to find you. These days, customers are just as likely to type your name into the Facebook search bar as into Google. Will they find you? Having a presence on social media will make sure your customers can always find you, no matter where they’re looking.
  2. Build Relationships. While a website can provide valuable information to customers and prospects, social media provides the unique opportunity to interact with people one-on-one. By creating conversation on social platforms, you can build meaningful relationships and trust.
  3. Communicate effectively. When you have updates and announcements, the more channels you can use to communicate them, the more likely you are to reach the people you want to reach. Social media gives you a communication platform that your customers and prospects are already checking, making it easier to keep them up to date.
  4. Generate leads. Social platforms are packed with tools that make lead generation easy. By having sales funnels built into every platform, you can make it easy to capture information from interested users and follow-up on whatever platform makes the most sense.

Social media is no longer a bonus for businesses — it’s a necessity. If you aren’t on social media yet, your competitors probably are!

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