CRM: The Most Significant Tech Trend in 2022 image

Usherpa Blog - CRM: The Most Significant Tech Trend in 2022

10/25/2022 - by Chris Harrington in Inside Lending

Change is everywhere we look in our business today, but which changes are significant enough to have a lasting impact? Recently, Chris Harrington, President, and Co-Founder of Usherpa spoke with The CE Shop Team to discuss trends she observes in the real estate industry. You can check out the story here.

When it comes to technology, we continue to see new tools rolled out to help get consumers into the loan origination process with less friction, but the real impact is coming from technologies designed to get the attention of consumers long before they are ready to apply for a new loan.

Chris says one of the most visible and influential trends she has witnessed in the real estate industry this year does exactly that: the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.

A CRM is a must-have technology for real estate agents working to take their careers to the next level. It is a system that can help agents stay organized, get renters excited about owning, follow up with prospective buyers, and close sales deals on properties. Modern CRMs can also help analyze performance, address any loopholes in the sales process, and function as a secret deal-closing card for users.

“Real estate agents need to embrace a CRM for their past customers,” Chris said. "I think that is probably one of the biggest untapped markets. I would say to anybody new to real estate: get a CRM.”

According to a DATAINTELO Report, The Global Real Estate CRM Software and Management Market is estimated to be valued at $12.8 Billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 4.2% over the forecast period 2020-2026. According to the study, the factors supporting the estimate include a rising demand for applications to manage projects and a need to ensure the security of sensitive information. We can foresee the real estate industry making the most of this tech trend in 2022.

To read about other trends Chris sees impacting the market, see the entire interview at The CE Shop online here.

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