It’s Time to Get Comfortable with Video image

Usherpa Blog - It’s Time to Get Comfortable with Video

11/8/2022 - by Chris Harrington in Inside Lending

Put the word “video” into an internet search bar and you’ll find countless reasons why it’s the way more marketers are making connections with the people they want to serve. The same is true for the lending and real estate businesses.

Not long ago, Chris Harrington, President, and Co-Founder of Usherpa, the real estate and mortgage industry's original enterprise CRM technology, met with The CE Shop Team to discuss the tech trends she sees in the real estate industry and to talk about why now is the time to get comfortable using video. You can check out the story here.

Harrington believes that it is more difficult to find success if you don’t embrace technology wholeheartedly. Of course, the company she co-founded provides the industry’s only Smart CRM technology, so she knows how powerful good tools can be. During the pandemic, we all learned how important video was for business continuity.

“Getting comfortable with video is a must,” she told the publication. “When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States, many people still using conference calls quickly had to learn to switch to video calls and use them every day.”

She cited a blog post written by Eric Yuan, the founder of Zoom, who mentioned that in May 2020, his company served 200 million daily meeting participants. The following month, this figure had risen to 300 million. This compares to 10 million in December 2019.

And that’s nothing compared to how many video messages marketers are creating each month. Harrington says that more real estate professionals are getting comfortable with creating videos as well. She knows this because the Usherpa Smart CRM is integrated with a number of marketing video creation tools and she’s tracking their usage.

She suggests that professionals invest in good lighting and create more personalized content curated to their prospects’ specific needs. When the content speaks directly to the needs of the people they hope to serve, it acts as a hook and allows them to watch and ultimately engage.

To read about the other exciting tech trends she spoke to, find the entire interview on The CE Shop online here. To learn more about Usherpa and how their deep dives into your data will grow your business by 57%, see

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