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Usherpa Blog - The Power that Comes from Sharing

11/1/2022 - by Chris Harrington in Inside Lending
Mortgage lenders and real estate companies that do not fully embrace modern technologies will find it very difficult to compete in today’s market. Recently, Chris Harrington, President, and Co-Founder of Usherpa sat down with the editors of The CE Shop Team to discuss this topic in detail. You can check out the story here.

One of the biggest benefits of modern technology, Harrington said, is its ability to seamlessly and securely share data with other systems. As our business has become more complex, this has become more important.

“There are a lot of new ways that data systems can talk with one another,” she said. “If you have a platform or another system that you’re using, if you think, ‘Wow, it would be really cool if this system and this system talked,’ it actually really might be possible today. So, it never hurts to ask that question.”

This is a significant improvement from the days when every department within the lending or real estate enterprise existed in its own silo. Older systems did not have the ability to talk to one another and share data that can improve company processes. But that has changed.

Today, artificial intelligence is allowing technologists to create smarter systems that can help users analyze data to improve their business.

“There are algorithms out there that can help figure out and predict borrower behavior or buyer behavior,” she told the publication. “For example, we have over 6 million loans in our system that go back 30 years. Well, we hired an independent data analytics firm to take a look at all that borrower behavior and determine, ‘When is somebody going to be more likely to be in the market to buy a new home?’ Or, on the mortgage side, to refinance a new home?”

Harrington says these new technologies are making life better for loan officers and real estate agents by putting smarter tools in their hands. This, in turn, is making them more effective.

“I think that’s really important, and it just makes it easier than ever to build those relationships so we can help more people achieve the joy of homeownership, whether that is through a loan that fits them or finding the perfect home,” she said.

To read the entire interview and follow Harrington's other tech trends, visit The CE Shop online here. To learn more about Usherpa and how their deep dives into your data will grow your business by 57%, visit

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