Posts categorized as PowerTools- Super Hacks

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Utilize technology and prove your value to these business partners  It’s a busy time to be a mortgage originator, to say the least. Amid this massive spike in origination volume, strategic loan officers and brokers are continuing to keep their sights on the long game.  Market trends ebb ...

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Creating a teleworking culture.While much of last year seems like a blur, but one thing is clear: Business is never going to be the same after the remote-working revolution. For many small companies, the COVID-19 pandemic upended business as usual and forced quick decisions about how to maintain op...

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Chances are, if you work in a sector that shifted primarily to remote work in the early days of the pandemic, you and your company adopted some new technology to help with the transition. Maybe it was hardware (a second monitor, a smart speaker, an actual office chair instead of your kitchen stool),...

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People want to do business with people they trust. In the past, that trust was established in a few select ways. For example, a mutual friend would introduce you and trust would be implied through the mutual connection. Or, a big legacy company would convey trust simply because the business had bee...

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We all have habits that we wish we could build into our day-to-day lives. Whether you want to establish a habit of healthy exercise, excellent productivity at work, responsible personal finances, or something else entirely, our habits can change our lives. But forming a new habit can seem like a dau...

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