Posts categorized as PowerTools- Super Hacks

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Let’s talk websites.Is Your Website Effective?Is your website working for you, or is it dead weight? A business website has to have certain features, capabilities, and information in order to be effective. And of course, an effective website is crucial when 97% of consumers and 94% of busi...

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Having a computer in the palm of your hand can be an incredible productivity tool, but too often it just becomes a tool for watching cat videos. Luckily, there are a few quick ways to make sure your smartphone can offer all of its benefits without simultaneously offering a dozen distractions.Ditch t...

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Good morning! How’s your week going so far? Managing people can be an ongoing challenge, but it’s also essential to business success — so I thought today we could talk about employees.How’s Your Company Culture?Is your company culture a priority, or an afterthought? If your answer is the latter, don...

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Are you sitting down? Here’s a fact that might blow your mind: People don’t buy the best product. In fact, most people aren’t even really capable of determining which product is the best! That doesn’t mean that it’s not important to provide a great product — but it does mean that the quality of your...

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If you want to get more referrals from your customers, closing a deal shouldn't be the end of your relationship, it should be the beginning.  Here are six ways you can build a better relationship with your customers and turn them into your number one referral source.  1.  Underst...

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