Keyword search for 'habits'

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The customer is the main character of your story. If you want to engage people in every aspect of your business, you need to find ways to show that you understand them, know them, and are willing to remember the small details over long periods of time. Because the truth is, relationships are built ...

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Every organization relies on their top salespeople who drive the majority of the company’s revenue. This is what’s known as The Pareto Principle, which states “80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.” In the business world, 20% of your customer base is typically responsible for driving 80% ...

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We all have habits that we wish we could build into our day-to-day lives. Whether you want to establish a habit of healthy exercise, excellent productivity at work, responsible personal finances, or something else entirely, our habits can change our lives. But forming a new habit can seem like a dau...

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Did you know that the average person is only productive for about three hours a day? Think about how much you could get done if you could use your time more effectively! Try this productivity roadmap to make sure you’re on top of your game all day long. First Thing Getting off on the wrong ...

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These days, your business practically lives in your email inbox. But as key as email is, it can also kill your productivity if you let it. Here are three ways to keep on top of email without letting it consume your day.Set boundaries. Let’s be honest: A quick check of your inbox will often resu...

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