
Traditional CRMs may offer bells and whistles but often fail to engage both clients and originators We’ve all spent money on a fancy new kitchen gadget or state-of-the-art app, only to have it wind up unused and forgotten. Despite all their bells, whistles and promises of ease and efficiency, i...

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Personal connections are everything in business—you’ve worked hard to build these relationships, so don’t let all that hard work go to waste. In today’s increasingly competitive mortgage marketplace, engaging customers with content that is relevant to them is essential for securing repeat business a...

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It just got even easier to close more deals with less effort with Usherpa and Blend’s powerful two-way data exchange integration. The integration allows Loan Officers to simply push a contact to Blend from their Usherpa database AND Usherpa pulls prospects from Blend daily via the integration. This ...

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CardTapp, a mobile marketing platform, launches integration with Usherpa’s CRM and Marketing Suite to deliver a seamless marketing technology experience.CardTapp, a mobile marketing and customer engagement platform, launched an integration with Usherpa’s marketing CRM. These tools operate in harmony...

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We all have habits that we wish we could build into our day-to-day lives. Whether you want to establish a habit of healthy exercise, excellent productivity at work, responsible personal finances, or something else entirely, our habits can change our lives. But forming a new habit can seem like a dau...

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