
Chances are, if you work in a sector that shifted primarily to remote work in the early days of the pandemic, you and your company adopted some new technology to help with the transition. Maybe it was hardware (a second monitor, a smart speaker, an actual office chair instead of your kitchen stool),...

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How do you turn new customers into long-term ambassadors for your brand? The unfortunate reality is that most businesses don’t think of their customers beyond the transaction. Salespeople tend to focus on a particular transaction, not the long term. Then if the customer doesn’t convert after a few ...

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People want to do business with people they trust. In the past, that trust was established in a few select ways. For example, a mutual friend would introduce you and trust would be implied through the mutual connection. Or, a big legacy company would convey trust simply because the business had bee...

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The hardest part about being a leader is motivating those around you. Oftentimes, leadership articles (like this one) talk about leadership from the perspective of authority. “In order to be a leader, you need to speak like this, carry yourself like that,” and so on. But what tends to get left out ...

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The customer is the main character of your story. If you want to engage people in every aspect of your business, you need to find ways to show that you understand them, know them, and are willing to remember the small details over long periods of time. Because the truth is, relationships are built ...

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